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When you are blessed, be a blessing. Morgan's quest.

A personal campaign sponsored by Morgan M

December 14, 2016

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Wigs For Kids  



My super sweet and kind hearted 6 year old is at it again. She has been growing her hair so that she can dontate it to someone in need. This will be her second time doing it.

Morgan says, "if kids have cancer or are sick, I want to donate my hair so they can feel good and have hair again."

I didn't realize the cost to make one hair piece for a child in need is $1800.00. That's crazy! So, Morgan has about two more inches to grow and we will cut her hair at the end of January and donate 12 inches.

Morgan lost her Great Nana to breast cancer. She never had the opportunity to meet her, but she knows that she lost her hair. A friend of ours has a one year old that is fighting and Morgan said she wanted to give her hair to that sweet angel.

We are donating her hair either way, but thought it would be great to raise enough money for one hair piece to go along with it.

Any donation is appreciated. This is Morgan's way of giving back and being a blessing to someone else. It's her one Christmas wish. 






