Wigs For Kids restores confidence and helps children with medical related hair loss to find their beauty from within. You Can Too!
Happy New Year!
With the new year upon us, we have many opportunities for new beginnings. Join us in supporting the children we serve, helping to build their confidence, self-esteem, and the ability to face each day with joy.
Hair can be an expression of style, personality and cultural heritage. That is why Wigs for Kids strives to provide the support our recipients need while experiencing medical related hair loss. Consider a hair donation, host an online fundraiser or a financial gift to our Sponsor a Child program.
For 40 years we have been providing hair replacement systems and support for children and teens who have lost their hair due to medical conditions. These conditions range from chemotherapy, radiation therapy, alopecia, trichotillomania, burns, and other auto-immune diseases. We do not charge the recipients for their hair replacement systems or the necessary care products.
The effects of hair loss goes deeper than a change in a child’s outward appearance. Hair loss can erode a child’s self-esteem and confidence. It can truly limit them from experiencing life the way children and teens should. A child’s attitude toward treatment and their physical response can be impacted by their emotional state. Wigs for Kids helps children and teens experiencing hair loss to feel confident with themselves and to feel beautiful inside and out!
You Are Sure to Be Inspired by Taylor's Wig Reveal
On behalf of the recipients we serve thank you for your support!
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
We have made fundraising easy for you!
You can help to bring confidence and joy to children with medical related hair loss by hosting a peer-to-peer fundraiser. By using this platform you can create your very own fundraising page. You set your goal, share your story (why you have chosen to raise funds for Wigs for Kids), reach out to people you know.
Check out our tips section for ideas on successful peer-to-peer fundraising. Visit TIPS
Fundraisers can be big or small and everything in between. Use your creativity to host an event supporting children facing cancer, alopecia, burns, trichotillomania, and other medical conditions causing hair loss.
Make a special occasion into a fundraiser or the celebration of a milestone. Use your imagination, have fun and positively impact children's lives.
Be sure to visit our Resources page for fundraising ideas! RESOURCES
We are here to help. If you would like to connect with someone to discuss fundraising activities, contact Jeanne at jhurt@wigsforkids.org or call 440-333-4433.
Hair Donation
Hair donors give a very generous part of themselves to help children. Did you know that it takes between 25 to 30 ponytails to make one wig? Learn more about donating your hair by visiting DONATEHAIR.
Hair donors often host a fundraiser along with their hair donations. They set a goal, share their story and reach out to their friends and family. Make it fun! You can ask for donations of $1 per inch (or any amount you choose); or the person that donates the most gets to make the first cut or determines what type of haircut you get.
The minimum cost to produce a wig is $2,000. When a recipient receives their first wig, they also get a product package that has everything they need to keep their wig in tip-top shape. Recipients are not charged for their wigs, product package or support services.
To learn more about donating your hair, visit DONATEHAIR
Sponsor a Child!
A monthly or one-time gift will make a tremendous impact on the lives of the children we serve. Providing them with the resources (a wig, hair care products and support) so that they can live their lives with confidence and joy.
Loss of hair can impact a child's overall well-being, from lack of confidence, self-esteem, the ability to face each day with joy. You can help children to feel like themselves with a donation to our Sponsor A Child program.
We hope you will help us touch more lives!
To positively impact a child's life today, visit DONATE.