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The Reese Challenge

A personal campaign sponsored by Reese Sennett

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Hi!  My name is Reese.  When I was in kindergarten I decided to start growing my hair out so I could eventually donate it to kids who lost their hair to cancer or another illness. 


It took 5 years to grow my hair out and during that time I was called a girl so many times that I stopped counting.  I was also teased because I am a boy and I had long hair.  That just made me want to grow it out even longer!


During the time I was growing out my hair I thought of another way I could help out the kids with illnesses by starting a fundraising campaign.  My family and I talked about several ideas and then decided to call it The Reese Challenge.  My challenge will work by calling out at least 3 friends or family members on either Facebook or Instagram.  They will have 3 days to either donate 12 inches of hair or $12.  


My parents let me start a Facebook page so I can begin the challenge.  Check it out!








